BTR Exemption Okaloosa County Business Tax Receipt Exemption FormPerson applying for exemption must be the majority owner. You MUST apply for your Business Tax Receipt prior to submitting this Exemption Form. By completing and submitting this form for exemption, you swear and affirm the information hereon is true and correct. * Required*Account Number*In order to apply for an exemption, you must first complete our online Business Tax Receipt application. You can complete your application at* Business Name* First * Name of Person Applying* First Last * Email Address* * Phone Number** Type of Exemption you are applying for:* Spouse of Active Duty Military Member. (must provide copy of Orders) Veteran of United States Military. (must be honorably discharged and provide a copy of DD214 or Veteran Health card) Spouse or Unremarried Surviving Spouse of Veteran. (must be honorably discharged and provide a copy of DD214 or Veteran Health card) Agriculture/Horticulture. (must grow the product you’re selling) A person who is receiving public assistance as defined in s. 409.2554. (“Public assistance” means money assistance paid on the basis of Title IV-E and Title XIX of the Social Security Act, temporary cash assistance, or food assistance benefits received on behalf of a child under 18 years of age who has an absent parent.) Household income is below 130 percent of the federal poverty level. (Based on the current year’s federal poverty guidelines.) Non-Profit Organization/Church/Religious. (must provide proof of the Florida DOR Tax Exemption or the IRS 501-c3 Physically Disabled. (must provide 83039 completed by Medical Doctor) – This exemption must have no more than one employee or helper and use their own capital (tangible assets), not in excess of $1,000. 65 Years of age or older. (must provide copy of driver’s license) – This exemption must have no more than one employee or helper and use their own capital (tangible assets), not in excess of $1,000. Widow with Minor Dependents. (Provide copy of Spouse’s Death Certificate) – This exemption must have no more than one employee or helper and use their own capital (tangible assets), not in excess of $1,000. Attach your supporting documents here. Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, docx, doc, Max. file size: 128 MB. * I swear and affirm that the information on the above application for exemption and made for the business or profession indicated hereon is true and correct.* Yes CAPTCHA