It was a full house at the Okaloosa County School Board meeting, Monday evening, as Tax Collector Ben Anderson and Sheriff Eric Aden presented certificates to the Award of Distinction winners of the Kids Tag Art Program. Along with Superintendent Marcus Chambers, Anderson and Aden recognized two winners from each participating school.
The Kids Tag Art program has two functions - one as an art contest for the 5th graders, and the other as a fundraiser that gives students a chance to design their own specialty license plate to use as art or on the front of a vehicle. As a fundraiser, those student-created, custom plates can be purchased by family members. Proceeds from school sales stay in that school.
Combining in-school sales and local sponsorships, the Kids Tag Art program earned $18,124.00 this school year. Tax Collector Ben Anderson points out, “This is non-tax generated revenue and comes at a time when the art curriculum in schools could benefit the most.” He continues, “Each school that participated received checks via the Public Education Foundation for $800.00.” Since 2013 the Kids Tag Art program has generated $155,167 for school arts programs in Okaloosa County.
Visit and click on the Tag Art Gallery where you can view and purchase any of the winning tags. To be a sponsor, please contact Shari Flowers Bruns at 850-651-7669.
This year’s winners are:
Bluewater: Claire Paiz Elayna Feddon |
Bob Sikes: Karlie Sanchez Anna Dickelman |
Edge: Riley Sharpe Gracelyn Perschke |
Elliot Point: Dallis Gallagher Axel Palma |
Kenwood: Sabine McBride Parker Sims |
Northwood: Angelique Guzman Stephanie Antunez Penaloza |
Plew: Dasha Medvedeva Lilyana Wight |
Shalimar: Jayceon Gainer Paris McQueen |
Silver Sands: Jacob Huggins Charlotte Sullivan |
Southside Primary: Lailah Garcia |
Walker: Joseph Avanetes Blake Moyers |
Tax Collector’s Choice: Ava Auter (Bluewater) Sheriff’s Choice: Aayla Powell (Bob Sikes) Superintendent’s Choice: Macy Phillips (Plew) |