Be sure to take advantage of the 4% early payment discount on your property tax bill! The final day to receive that discount is typically the last day of November. This year that day falls on the Saturday following the Thanksgiving holiday. Because of that, Okaloosa County Tax Collector Ben Anderson says State Statutes allow the early payment discount deadline to be extended one business day, or December 2, 2013.
Anderson says, “If customers would like to pay by check, we will have staff staged in the lobbies of most of our branch offices to receive those payments on November 25, 26 and 27.” Then after the holiday weekend, we’ll be back in the lobbies on Monday, December 2.” All Okaloosa County Tax Collector Offices will be closed Thanksgiving Day and the day after Thanksgiving.
He continues, “We anticipate collecting 66% - 70% of the tax revenue by the end of this month. Therefore, with our staff set up in the lobbies to accept payments by check, customers can get in and out of our Office with a receipt but without having to wait in line with those conducting other transactions.”
Please note: if you choose to mail your tax payment, it must be postmarked by November 30 to receive the 4% discount.
Another convenient alternative is “Do Business Online, Not In Line!” Citizens can pay online using E-check, it’s free! Sign up today to have a copy of your tax bill sent to your inbox, as well as your mail box through BillExpress.