Shalimar – Beginning this month, the State of Florida will begin issuing a new colorful high-tech driver’s license and State identification card. The Shalimar Branch of the Okaloosa County Tax Collector’s Office will be one of first offices around the State to roll out the new and improved license in August.
A key component of the new license is increased security features. Okaloosa County Tax Collector, Ben Anderson states, “We are continually working with our State counterparts to find new and innovative ways to improve driver license security. These measures will reduce the risk of fake ID’s and ultimately work towards improving the security of our Nation.” Anderson continues, “This joint venture is another example of State services being provided by local offices for the convenience of our Residents.”
The new driver’s license and identification card will be available in our remaining five locations by the end of this year. Cherrylyn Mellott, Chief of Branch Operations says, “Our Agents are excited about the new technology coming on-line and they are eager to begin issuing the cards.” Mellott elaborates, “By adding new endorsement features on the back, Residents who have lifetime endorsements such as Boater Safety, will only have to carry one card versus one for each endorsement.”
As a reminder, driver’s license services are available at all Okaloosa County Tax Collector’s Offices, Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Appointments are needed for our Eglin and Hurlburt Field Offices and can be made on our website at or by calling (850) 651-7300.