Search by your name or address and click the Green Button labeled ” Get Bills By Email” Click the icon above and begin searching.
Address Changes
Address changes are handled by the Property Appraiser, you can either call them at (850)651-7240 or fill out the online form located on their website. For additional information please visit the Property Appraiser online at , for a direct link to the address change form visit
AD Valorem Tax Collection
Ad Valorem taxes can be paid by mail using a check or in person by using cash, cashiers check or money order, and for your convenience we accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express along with debit cards displaying the credit card logo present on the card. There is, however, an additional bank card user fee if you choose to pay by means of any of the above mentioned credit cards or debit card displaying a credit card logo (in person or by mail) paying by E-Check is free. To pay by mail you must supply our office with the type of card being used, your credit card number, the billing name and address, the expiration month and year, plus a three digit security code along with a phone number (in order to reach you if a problem arises). We accept E-checks online, over the phone and in person. We also accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover or American Express. A bank card user fee will be charged to each transaction processed over the web. The site will advise you of the charge before you move forward in your transaction. Paying online by E-Check is free. Click here to pay online!
Tax Payments can be mailed to:
Pay to the order of OCTC or Okaloosa County Tax CollectorOkaloosa County Tax Collector
701 John Sims Parkway
Niceville, Fl 32578
Taxing Authorities Defined
GENERAL REVENUE: Funds go to the County’s general fund.
PUBLIC HEALTH: Funds are used to pay for indigent care.
SCHOOL STATE: This millage is set and mandated by the State of Florida.
SCHOOL LOCAL: This millage is set by the Okaloosa County School Board.
MSTU: This is an assessment that is only in certain portions of the county. MSTU means Municipal Services Taxing Unit. These funds are used to pay for such items as street lights and parks.
MSBU: This is an assessment that is only in certain portions of county. MSBU means Municipal Service Benefit Unit. These funds are used as a financing mechanism to provide municipal services.
For more information on Tax Authorities please see the Truth in Millage(TRIM) notice that you received in the mail during the month of August from the Property Appraiser. For additional information about your assessment please visit the Property Appraisers website at
Real Estate Taxes
Ad Valorem taxes on real property are collected by the Tax Collector on an annual basis beginning on November 1st for the tax year January through December. It is the responsibility of each taxpayer to ensure that his/her taxes are paid and that a tax bill is received. The Property Appraiser’s Office establishes the assessed value of a property and the Board of County Commissioners and other levying bodies set the millage rates. Using these figures, the Property Appraiser prepares the tax roll. Upon completion, the tax roll is then certified to the Tax Collector who prints and mails the tax notices. Tax notices are sent to the owner’s last record of address as it appears on the tax roll. In cases where the property owner pays through an escrow account, the mortgage company should request and be sent the tax bill and the owner receive a copy of the notice. Tax statements are normally mailed out on or before November 1st of each year. The gross amount is due by March 31st. The following discounts are applied for early payment:
- 4% discount if paid in November
- 3% discount if paid in December
- 2% discount if paid in January
- 1% discount if paid in February
- Gross amount paid in March, no discount applied.
- Taxes become delinquent April 1st of each year.
Alternative (Installment) Payment Plan for Property Taxes
Taxpayers may choose to pay their property taxes quarterly by participating in an installment payment plan. To be eligible for the program, the taxpayer’s estimated taxes must be in excess of $100.00. Those who qualify must fill out and return an Installment Plan application form to the Tax Collector’s Office prior to May 1st (application forms are available at all county tax offices and on this website).
The plan requires that the first installment must be made no later than June 30th. Failure to make this first payment will automatically cancel the participant from the plan and the taxpayer will be required to pay the taxes due in full by March 31st of the following year.
Upon meeting the first installment deadline, the taxpayer is then obligated to participate in the program for the entire year. Discounts do not apply to delinquent payments. Any amount remaining unpaid on April 1st is treated as a delinquent tax bill.
Get this years form here.
[alert style=”white”] The following payment schedule applies to the installment plan:[/alert]
1st installment: 1/4 the total of estimated taxes discounted 6%.
Payment due by June 30th.
2nd installment: 1/4 the total estimated taxes discounted 4.5%.
Payment due by September 30th.
3rd installment: 1/4 the total estimated taxes plus 1/2 of any adjustment made for actual tax liability, discounted 3%.
Payment due by December 31st.
4th installment: 1/4 of the total estimated taxes plus the remaining 1/2 of any adjustment for actual tax liability. No discount applies.
Payment due by March 31st.
Taxpayers participating in the Installment Payment plan are automatically re-enrolled each year and do not have to fill out a new application.
Delinquent Real Estate Taxes
Real estate taxes become delinquent if not paid before April 1st each year. Delinquent taxes must be paid with cash, cashier’s check or money order. The date the payment is received in the office determines the amount due. Florida Statutes require the Tax Collector to advertise the delinquent parcels in a local newspaper once a week for three consecutive weeks following the payment deadline. Advertising and collection fees are added to the delinquent taxpayer’s bill.
Beginning on or before June 1st, the Tax Collector is required by law to hold a Tax Certificate Sale. The certificates represent liens on all unpaid real estate properties. The sale allows citizens to buy certificates by paying off the owed tax debt. The sale is conducted in reverse auction style with participants bidding downward on interest rates starting at 18%. The certificate is awarded to the lowest bidder.
A tax certificate, when purchased, becomes an enforceable first lien against the real estate. The certificate holder is actually paying the taxes for a property owner in exchange for a competitive bid rate of return on his investment. In order to remove the lien, the property owner must pay the Tax Collector all delinquent taxes plus accrued interest, penalties and advertising fees. The Tax Collector then notifies the certificate holder of any certificates redeemed and a refund check is issued to the certificate holder.
A tax certificate is valid for seven years from the date of issuance. The holder may apply for a tax deed when two or more years have elapsed since the date of delinquency. If the property owner fails to pay the tax debt, the property tax deed is sold at public auction.
Tangible Personal Property
Tangible Personal Property Tax is an ad Valorem tax assessed against the furniture, fixtures and equipment located in businesses and rental property. It also applies to structural additions to mobile homes.
The Property Appraiser’s Office assesses the value of tangible personal property and presents a certified tax roll to the Tax Collector. It is the job of the Tax Collector to mail the tax notices and collect the monies due. Tax statements are mailed on November 1st of each year with payment due by the following March 31st. Discounts apply for early payment.
- 4% discount if paid in November
- 3% discount if paid in December
- 2% discount if paid in January
- 1% discount is paid in February
- Gross amount paid in March, no discount applied.
Taxes become delinquent April 1 of each year at which time a 1.5 percent fee per month is added to the bill. Within 45 days after the property becomes delinquent, the Tax Collector is required by law to advertise a list of delinquent taxpayers one time in a local newspaper. Advertising costs are added to the delinquent bill.
Pursuant to Florida Statutes, Tax Warrants are issued prior to April 30th of the next year on all unpaid tangible personal property taxes. Within 30 days after the warrants are prepared, the Tax Collector applies to the Circuit Court for an order directing levy and seizure of the property for the amount of unpaid taxes and costs.
Any changes to the tax roll (name, address, location, assessed value) must be processed through the Property Appraiser’s Office.
Mobile Home
In Florida, mobile homes must be registered. A numbered decal, instead of a metal license plate, is issued for identification. State statutes require mobile home registrations be renewed annually by December 31. A delinquent fee is charged if the registration is not renewed by the 10th of the following month.
Registration fees are set by the Department of Motor Vehicles and are based on the length of the mobile home. Double wide and triple wide mobile homes are considered two and three separate units respectively and the owner must purchase that number of decals. Mobile home owners are required to display the decal in a window clearly visible from the road in front of the home.
[alert style=”white”] To register a mobile home, the owner must present to the Tax Collector’s Office the following documents: [/alert]- The current or last issued Florida Vehicle Registration Certificate for the mobile home (if lost, furnish the most current decal number.)
- The title to the mobile home (if financed, the owner must obtain a copy from the lien holder.)
- The title (from Florida or any other state) signed off by the previous owner, if it has not been transferred into the current owner’s name, and the bill of sale (the Tax Office will process the transfer).
Real Property (RP) Decals
All mobile homes or recreational vehicles permanently affixed to the owner’s land and declared as real property are issued a permanent “RP” decal. Owners must obtain a DR402 form from the Property Appraiser’s Office, indicating the land and mobile home titles are in the same name, before applying for the “RP” decal from the Tax Collector’s Office.
“RP” decals are permanent and transferable to a new owner when the land and mobile home are sold as a unit.
Tax Certificate Sale
Florida Statutes require the Tax Collector annually, on or before June 1st to conduct a sale of tax certificates on all lands for which taxes are delinquent for the preceding year. The Tax Certificate Sale in 2013 will take place on Saturday, June 1, 2013. All bids must be submitted on the Tax Collector’s tax certificate auction web site, For more information on this year’s sale you can view our Tax Sale Booklet here.
In addition to our annual Tax Certificate Sale, we sell County Held Tax Certificates earning 18% interest via LienExpress™. LienExpress™ gives you access to view, research and purchase county held tax certificates online. Please click here to find out more.
If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected]